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Index of /soundtracks/Castlevania Lament of Innocence/ -> Soundtracks -> Castlevania Lament of Innocence
name asc type size date
01 - LOI - Elemental Tactician.mp3  mp3 3.5 MB 13-09-05
02 - LOI - Ghostly Theater.mp3  mp3 3.2 MB 13-09-05
03 - LOI - House of Sacred Remains.mp3  mp3 5.5 MB 13-09-05
04 - LOI - Bizarre Room.mp3  mp3 2.6 MB 13-09-05
05 - LOI - Anti-Soul Mysteries.mp3  mp3 5.2 MB 13-09-05
06 - LOI - Stone King Golem.mp3  mp3 2.8 MB 13-09-05
07 - LOI - Garden Forgotten by Time.mp3  mp3 3.4 MB 13-09-05
08 - LOI - Fog Enshrouded Nightscape.mp3  mp3 4.4 MB 13-09-05
09 - LOI - Resonance for Malevolent Souls.mp3  mp3 3.1 MB 13-09-05
10 - LOI - Dark Palace of Waterfalls.mp3  mp3 4.5 MB 13-09-05
11 - LOI - Melancholy Joachim.mp3  mp3 2.9 MB 13-09-05
12 - LOI - Lament of Innocence - Leons Theme.mp3  mp3 4.5 MB 13-09-05
13 - LOI - Dark Night Toccata - Walters Theme.mp3  mp3 3.5 MB 13-09-05
Lament of Innocence - Admiration of a Clan.mp3  mp3 3.9 MB 13-09-05
Lament of Innocence - Title.mp3  mp3 416.0 KB 13-09-05
Michiru Yamane - 02 - Cursed Memories.mp3  mp3 3.3 MB 13-09-05
Michiru Yamane - 03 - Old Mans Cottage.mp3  mp3 2.7 MB 13-09-05
Michiru Yamane - 04 - Prelude to the Dark Abyss.mp3  mp3 2.2 MB 13-09-05
Michiru Yamane - 05 - Traces of Melevolent Souls.mp3  mp3 2.4 MB 13-09-05
Michiru Yamane - 08 - Statues Born of Darkness.mp3  mp3 3.4 MB 13-09-05
Michiru Yamane - 13 - Snakeheaded Medusa.mp3  mp3 2.7 MB 13-09-05
Michiru Yamane - 17 - Aria of Nightmare.mp3  mp3 2.9 MB 13-09-05
Michiru Yamane - 18 - Death Flower Succubus.mp3  mp3 2.3 MB 13-09-05
Michiru Yamane - 21 - Misty Moon Pagoda of the Demon Realm.mp3  mp3 2.5 MB 13-09-05
Michiru Yamane - 23 - Prison of Eternal Torture.mp3  mp3 2.4 MB 13-09-05
Michiru Yamane - 24 - Castlevania Reincarnation.mp3  mp3 3.5 MB 13-09-05
Michiru Yamane - 26 - Evils Symphonic Poem - Deaths Theme.mp3  mp3 2.5 MB 13-09-05
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